The new Dynamic Natural process!
At the farm, we wanted to create a Natural processed coffee that was exotic but easy to enjoy, with astonishing clean cups filled with 3 main sensations: fruits, spices and sweetness. Based on the finding of our signature dynamic honey, we created a new processing protocol to boost natural processed coffees with the consistency and efficiency of fermentation.
This natural coffee is that, a structured coffee that easily delivers blackberry, vanilla and clove.
Harvested in late February 2023
Variety: Variedad Colombia
Roasting profile: Omniroast (espresso or filter, your choice)
Whole bean
Nuestro nuevo Natural!
En la finca nuestro proceso insignia es el dynamic honey, sin embargo, el diseño de dicho proceso nos abrió la perspectiva de perfeccionar e innovar en otras formas de procesamiento más amigables al ambiente y con resultados superiores. Este natural es la muestra de ello.
Produce una taza limpia, definida y llena de sabor. Es un café tan fácil de preparar y disfrutar que te sorprenderá: Moras, vainilla y clavo. Tiene 3 grandes espectros de sabor que al complementarse en una estructura definida y ordenada brindan una nueva percepción de los cafés de proceso natural.
Cosecha: Febrero 2023
Proceso: Natural
Variedad: Variedad Colombia
Grano (si lo requieres molido, deja una nota en tu pedido y con gusto lo haremos)
Envío gratis en México en compras a partir de $1500 MXN
Dynamic natural 300g
Shipping Information
We’re excited to send you freshly roasted coffee and freshly processed coffee from parchment, straight from our farm, Monday to Thursday. To ensure your order ships the next day, please place it by 12pm PST on weekdays. Orders placed from Thursday through Sunday will be shipped on Monday. While we strive to ship on time, there might be occasional delays, and we’ll keep you updated if anything changes.
If you’re visiting Mexico and staying at a hotel or Airbnb, please reach out to us first to confirm shipping coverage for your location. Keep in mind that shipping delays can happen, so this is best suited for longer stays of more than one week at the address.